Jira tracks issues, which can be bugs, feature requests, or any other tasks you want to track.

Each issue has a variety of associated information including:

  • the issue type
  • a summary
  • a description of the issue
  • the project which the issue belongs to
  • components within a project which are associated with this issue
  • versions of the project which are affected by this issue
  • versions of the project which will resolve the issue
  • the environment in which it occurs
  • a priority for being fixed
  • an assigned developer to work on the task
  • a reporter - the user who entered the issue into the system
  • the current status of the issue
  • a full history log of all field changes that have occurred
  • a comment trail added by users
  • if the issue is resolved - the resolution

Issue Types

Jira can be used to track many different types of issues. The currently defined issue types are listed below. In addition, you can add more in the administration section.

For Regular Issues
Konzept oder Aufwandsschätzung
Meeting, Telko, Jour-Fixe usw.
Nicht im Projekt
Eine Änderung an bestehenden Features.
Aggregates multiple Epics
Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a big user story that needs to be broken down.
Ein zu behebender Fehler.
Neues Feature
Ein neu zu implementierendes Feature.
Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story.
Eine zu erledigende Aufgabe oder Tätigkeit.
Eine Verbesserung eines bereits implementierten Features.
New Feature
A new feature of the product, which has yet to be developed.
An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task.
A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.
A task that needs to be done.
For Sub-Task Issues
The sub-task of the issue
Ein Teilvorgang des gesamten Vorgangs.
Technische Aufgabe
Eine technische Aufgabe.

Priority Levels

An issue has a priority level which indicates its importance. The currently defined priorities are listed below. In addition, you can add more priority levels in the administration section.

Blockiert die Entwicklung und/oder die Produktivumgebung.
Kritisch / Critical
Abstürze, Datenverluste oder erheblicher Speicherverbrauch.
Hoch / Major
Große Auswirkungen.
Mittel / Medium
Mittlere Auswirkungen.
Niedrig / Minor
Geringe Auswirkungen.
Kosmetische Probleme, z.B. falshc geschriebene Wörter.


Status Categories

Helps identify where an issue is in its lifecycle.
Issues move from To Do to In Progress when work starts on them, and later move to Done when all work is complete.


Represents anything for which work has been completed

In Progress

Represents anything in the process of being worked on

No Category

A category is yet to be set for this status

To Do

Represents anything new

Issue Statuses

Each issue has a status, which indicates the stage of the issue. In the default workflow, issues start as being Open, progressing to In Progress, Resolved and then Closed. Other workflows may have other status transitions.

Offen / Open
Der Vorgang ist offen zur Bearbeitung.
Unter Bearbeitung / In Progress
Der Vorgang ist derzeit unter Bearbeitung.
Neu geöffnet / Reopened
Der Vorgang wurde neu geöffnet.
Gelöst / Resolved
Der Vorgang wurde bearbeitet.
Geschlossen / Closed
Der Vorgang wurde abgeschlossen.
Review Me
Der Vorgang benötigt das Review eines weiteren Projektbeteiligten.
Test Me
Der Vorgang muss vom Testbeauftragten gestestet werden.
Accept Me
Der Vorgang muss vom Productowner abgenommen werden.
Merge Me
Der Vorgang muss vom Bearbeiter in alle relevanten Branches gemerged werden.
This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
To Do
In Progress
In Review
Selected for Development
Release Me
Für diesen Vorgang muss noch (auf mindestens einem Branch) ein Release erstellt werden.
Merge Review
Merge Test
Merge In Progress
Deploy Me
Der Vorgang muss ausgerollt / installiert werden.


An issue can be resolved in many ways, only one of them being "Fixed". The defined resolutions are listed below. You can add more in the administration section.

The issue has been fixed.
The issue is a duplicate of another issue.
Won't Do
The issue will not be actioned.
The issue will not be actioned in the forseeable future.
Cannot Reproduce
The issue cannot be reproduced.
Incomplete Description
The issue has not been described in enough detail.
Not a Bug
The issue is not a bug.